Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Get Rid of Yellow Leaves on Orchids

There are two types of orchids. First is the one that has thick and leathered leaves which dwells in places that are not wet and parched. They are usually taken care of by sunlight. Last is the species that are placed in more conducive areas. They grow long and their leaves are thin.

The life span of the leaves of orchids are usually for a couple of years only but then, there are some which sheds and falls annually to pave way for the growth of new leaves.
  • Do you know the indications being shown by your orchids?
  • Can you see orchid yellow leaves?
  • Do they fall right after they turn yellow?
  • Are the leaves now watery and black?
Generally, one of its disorders is the occurrence of orchid yellow leaves. This could mean that something irregular is happening to your plants, or maybe it had already come to its elderly age. Very often, leaves become the determinant of how well our plants are doing. They become the indicators whether our orchids are still healthy or not. One of the uncommon things in our orchids leaves is the presence of yellow spots. This is called fungal infection but remember this doesn't make the whole leaf yellow.

Too much exposure from the sunlight can produce spots on the leaves. To avoid this, place the orchids to a more shaded area. It might take some time for the orchid yellow leaves to recover, but once they do, new grown leaves will now be in color green which is known to be the healthy and right color.

Cold temperature could also make the leaves yellow. And to prevent this, keep in mind that when the temperature drops down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, its time you spare your orchids from such coldness. And as the whole plant needs humidity, too much of it can also cause fungus. The idyllic ranges of temperature for orchids are: at daytime it should be between 75 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit while it should not go below 55 degrees Fahrenheit during night time.

Unlike this one type of orchid- Vandas, others do not need constant watering as they may produce yellow leaves or Black Rot. If the plants dry out even after you watered it, skip this method for one week or two and cure it with a fungal fighting procedure.

Other ways to make sure that the leaves wont turn yellow is the absence of toxin in the surroundings. You should also feed enough nitrogen to the orchids and to enable this, you can replace the pot you have for your plants. In this way, new roots will conjure up.

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