Thursday, May 12, 2011

Indoor Orchid

Knowing that orchids can be cultivated in the comfort of your own home makes you want to try growing orchids indoor. But there are a lot of things to consider when doing these because growing orchids needs extra care especially if it is to be put indoors. Even though it is inside your home, orchid pruning still needs to be done.

First things first, a person needs to choose an orchid that is suitable for indoor growing because not all orchids are the same; each specie has different character and thrive in different conditions. Before buying that orchid of your choice you must check the orchid seedlings if it is healthy. Inspect the leaves, roots, and flowers of the orchid. If the leaves have brown or black patches, it means that the orchids have a disease. Yellow leaves indicates poor health. Firm and whitish roots are healthy, so you must check for it.

The next thing is to learn how to take care of the orchid indoors. Most plants need sun light in order to grow so as the orchid, but remember that it is inside the house so the orchid needs to be near a window in order to have its share of sunlight. But direct afternoon sunlight is not good; a curtain can be used to filter the heat that the sun emits directly to the orchid. Humidity also plays a vital role in the orchid's life. A humidifier can be used or a keeping dish with moist gravel under the plant can be a substitute.

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