Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Baby Sleeping Problems

Baby sleeping problems has always been the dilemma of most parents, especially those who are working and at the same time parenting their children. Usually, the child is having a hard time to fall asleep or doesn't want to sleep at all because he's too busy playing all day or has a fever. Sometimes, sleep problems may be a symptom of a more serious underlying problem like sleep apnea.

Here are some great tips on how to avoid sleep problems at night:
  • Kids may have trouble sleeping through the night due to oversleeping during the day. A child's nap in the afternoon should only take about 1 - to hours of rest periods. This may allow him to take time off in between play activities. In addition, nap time should be early in the afternoon, and not early evening.
  • Avoid giving foods and beverages with caffeine content, especially a few hours before bedtime. Foodstuffs like, tea, soda, chocolates and the like may cause children to go to hyperactive mode throughout the night.
  • Train your little tots to wake up early in the morning so that he would be able to do as much fun activities during the day and will eventually fall asleep early in the evening. This may also be a good time to train him to rise early in the morning in preparation for his preparatory schooling.
  • Baby sleeping problems may be triggered by the child's separation-anxiety issues from their parents. During this age, toddlers mostly seek their parent's cuddling arms and loving attention. The child feels safely secured when his parents are around him as this may aid him to want to go to bed and sleep soundly.

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