Sunday, May 22, 2011

Settling Baby to Sleep

Helping to settle baby for a good night's sleep is daunting especially when at times they want to stay up all night and party like a rock star. So the question goes, how to settle your baby to a soothing sleep? There are lots of tips available that you can find and you just have to choose what's best for your baby. One of the techniques that most experts would recommend is by creating the right environment so falling asleep comes naturally for your baby. But you actually have to help your baby in doing this and understanding that sleeping is associated with something.

Sleep associations involves many things, including yourself (parents) like feeding, rocking your baby, pacifiers, etc. Your baby thinks that they need them to fall asleep and you just need to choose the best association that suits for your baby to have a restful night sleep. Establishing a sleep association from day one is a key factor. Creating a regular bedtime and consistent bedtime routine will set your baby's internal clock, creating a circadian rhythm. This will help them distinguish between day and night and that night time is bedtime.

Using other method to settle baby to soothe himself to sleep is worth doing for a long term goal. Or you can make it in a gradual process and this will help them develop the ability to fall asleep by their own. However, we should bear in mind that consistency is very much important and necessary for it to effectively work.

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