Friday, May 20, 2011

Solving Baby Sleep Problems

Solving baby sleeping problems is not an easy task at all but it's not as difficult as it may seem to be and understanding their sleeping pattern could be the answer, especially to new parents. Just remember that there's no single approach that will work best for your baby and the guides are there, but there are no hard and fast rule. Don't persist if it doesn't work with your baby yet be open to trying other styles and technique.

Typically, baby's sleep cycles are quite very irregular in the first 3-4 months and they don't stay asleep for more than 2 to 4 hours at a time over 24 hour period. So expect that you're going to be up several times during the night to feed, change and put them back to sleep. The last part is what causes the major problem for parents. Putting baby back to sleep is difficult and could be a struggle for parents but that is just the way it is and it is just temporary.

By the time your baby reaches 5 or 6 months old, most infants sleep for a long stretch at night and some continue to wake up in order to feed. You may be able to stop your baby sleeping problems if you figure out the signs that your baby is tired. Rubbing his eyes and pulling on his ear are some of the common signs that your baby is tired so don't wait longer in putting them down before your baby become overtired then they'll have trouble falling asleep. But then again, you know your baby best than anyone else and follow your maternal instincts.

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