Thursday, April 28, 2011

Beekeeping Tools

It is a must for every profession or craft to undergo serious training and to have tools within our hands. They make our work load easy, precise, accurate and on time. The same is true with apiculture or beekeeping. In fact, business-minded people are looking for beekeeping schools, wherein they could learn more to translate this beekeeping hobby to an income generating resource. Once, you enrolled you will definitely encounter the following beekeeping tools.

First, we need something that will pacify our insect friends during monitoring and harvesting the smoker. Basically, it looks like an airpot or a tall kettle with a small opening or inlet to let steam or smoke out.

Second, we need something that will help us lever up the frames in our Langstroth hives, the hive tool. This is made up to two parts: the wedge and the body (handle). It is used to detach stuck frames and remove propolis within the man-made hive.

Third, we also need brushes to gently push away the bees to check if the honey is ready to be harvested.

Fourth, when we see that the honey is ready to be collected we now use the uncapping fork. It appears to be a wide flat fork with several points or it is like a comb with a handle.

Finally, we need to have a hive stand; this will prolong the life span and freshness of honey. A few elevation from the ground will keep the hive ventilated and will prevent direct absorption of the earth's heat.

However, these are just some of the tools needed. You should consider clothing, venue, gardening to ensure the productivity of your apiculture investment.

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