Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Settling baby to a Sound Sleep

Are you having a hard time putting your baby to sleep? If your answer is yes, then that's alright since infants do not have fixed sleeping pattern in the first three months after birth. That's because they still need to establish what is night and day but most of all it is frightening for them to be separated from us. And settling baby to a sound sleep is quite a daunting responsibility for new parents. So it is important for parents to understand about infants sleeping pattern.

It is now easy to find articles about infant sleep patterns and on getting baby to sleep. The cyberspace makes it handy for everyone but let me remind you one thing, there's a lot too that gives conflicting information and advice. And if that's the case then don't forget that the best advice that you can get is the mother's instinct. Mothers know better than anyone else for each baby is unique so it is best to find what works for your baby instead of trying to fit your baby to the pattern.

Here are some tips that may be of use to you:

Create a relaxing environment by making the room quiet and switch off the lights or you can use baby light. Also don't forget to make your baby's bed warm. Make sure your baby's clothing is not too warm and not too cold.

Establish a bedtime routine. Always change your baby into bedtime clothes; this will somehow give a signal for them that it's time to sleep. It's another way also of starting to establish their sleeping pattern.

Give your baby a warm bath. Warm bath is relaxing but again this may not be relaxing for others.

The techniques that I mentioned may not work for your baby but remember, babies simply need parental support and always follow your instinct.

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