Thursday, June 2, 2011

Yeast Intolerance

Yeast is needed by the human body but too much of yeast is harmful and can cause health problems. The human body needs yeast in small quantities in order to maintain a normal digestive system. But yeast in the body must not be excessive because it can cause problems and people who have too much yeast tend to develop intolerance to it.

There are lactose and gluten intolerance and this is common knowledge already but yeast intolerance is different because not everybody has knowledge about it until they encounter such problems.

The reasons for the intolerance can be caused by a long-lasting illness/stress, an unbalanced diet or a course of antibiotics. If a person is diagnosed with such health problem, he needs to reduce his intake of any yeast type of products or foods that have yeasts in it such as sugar foods and fermented foods.

There are symptoms that show a person has a candida infection and these includes but is not limited to: bloating of the stomach, oral thrush and bad breath, food cravings, mood swings, feeling tired and production of gas. But a person must not assume directly that he has an infection just because he experiences all of the symptoms. It is important that he visits a doctor and get his condition diagnosed first because there are also illnesses which has the same symptoms with candida infection.

There are many medical tests available that can help determine whether a person is suffering from yeast intolerance. A home test can be done but a person cannot just rely on it, medical test is still recommended.

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