Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yeast Infection: Tongue

Yeast infection of the tongue, also known as oral thrush, is generally caused by a fungal infection due to an abnormal overproduction of a microorganism known as Candida Albicans that can be naturally found in the body. Inflamed mucosa, burning sensation, difficulty and pain when eating or swallowing are common signs and symptoms experienced by an individual with oral yeast infection. Tongue may appear to have white to yellow cream-like patches present upon initial inspection of the oral cavity and quickly bleeds when the thrush is scraped.

Oral infections often occur in people who have underdeveloped or very low immune systems like babies and the elderly. Individuals who are suffering from chronic diseases such as AIDS, diabetes and cancer and those who are taking antidepressants, corticosteroids, antihistamines and antibiotics for long term therapy are also highly predisposed to such an infection.

While it may sound scary and disgusting, oral thrush can be easily treated with home remedies. Yogurt can be very good for treating yeast infections since it contains live bacteria that could destroy the yeast. You could try eating yogurt or directly apply it to the affected part. Likewise, slightly crushed garlic may help heal oral thrush since it contains allicin that is believed to have anti-fungal property.

It is still best, however, to seek the medical advice of the doctor when dealing with oral yeast infection, considering the fact that it may be a sign of another underlying disease so to speak. During treatment, it is also advised that toothbrushes should be regularly changed monthly to avoid re-infection.

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