Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How To Repot an Orchid

People who just started to love and grow orchids might ask themselves if it is difficult to repot an orchid. Houseplants and orchids needed to be transferred to larger pots when they grow because they need more space, but repotting an orchid is more complicated compared to ordinary houseplants. When repotting orchids, it pays when the person does the right thing because more flowers will bloom and the orchid becomes healthier.

Steps on How to Report an Orchid:

Remove the orchid from the old pot. Get some old newspapers and turn the orchid upside down on it. If the roots are stuck to the container, use sterilized knife to loosen it from the pot. It is important to only use sterilize tools to cut the orchid roots in order to avoid diseases. Wiping the tools with rubbing alcohol or sterilizing it through flaming using a lighter can be done.

Prepare the orchid to be repotted is the next thing to do. Shake off the soil attached to the roots. The roots needs to be trimmed before the orchids can be repotted using sterilized scissors to remove the dead and damaged roots.

Move the orchid to the new pot. If the orchid is placed in previously used pot, the pot needs to be washed thoroughly and must be soaked in a weak solution of chlorine for 30 minutes and should be rinsed well. Clean stones or plastic foam must be put into the bottom of the pot because orchids require good drainage.

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