Friday, June 17, 2011

How to Treat Candidiasis

Candidiasis treatment can simply be over-the-counter (OTC) remedies or prescription medications to be taken at home but if some other disease causing your immune system to weaken, it is best to consult your doctor for any new symptoms before you try self-treatment because you might risk getting infection.

Treatment for yeast infections:

Yeast infections can easily be treated at home with over-the-counter medications such as miconazole, tioconazole, butoconazole, and cotrimazole. Simply massage these remedies into your privates and surrounding tissues for a week depending on the formulation. In case irritation increases around the area, stop using the ointment at once. You have to consult your doctor first before using any of the treatments if you are pregnant or if symptoms continue for more than a week.

Treatment for thrush

To treat thrush, simply swish the antifungal agent nystatin(Bio-Statin, Mycostatin, Mycostatin Pastilles, Nilstat) around the mouth and make sure to maintain excellent oral hygiene. For babies and small children, make sure that all objects they put in their mouths are sterilized after each use and breastfeeding mothers ought to be checked for candida of the breast, too.

For adults, treatment options include troches, pills like fluconazole to be used in conjunction with nystatin to help clear infection. If one wears dentures, make sure to clean them thoroughly after each use. Good oral hygiene is a must.

Treatment for skin and diaper rash

For treatment of diaper rash, make sure to frequently change baby diapers, use barrier creams to speed recovery and to keep the affected area clean and dry all the time. Clotrimazole creams and lotions can also be applied to skin infections. To use other medications, make sure to visit your health care practitioner to get prescriptions.

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