Saturday, June 11, 2011

Candida Die Off Symptoms

A person who is under Candida diet would normally experience a Candida die off symptoms. However, there are some people who do not feel such discomfort and problems while on a strict Candida diet.

The purpose of Candida diet is to fight the yeast overgrowth that is happening inside the body. It has to be done in a gradual manner so as not to overwhelm the body with such change in diet. The Candida die off symptoms may differ in every person; it would depend on how long the yeast has been over growing in the body. Herxheimer reaction is the other term for candida die off.

The die off symptoms can be experienced by some people for a couple of days, while others would be in severe pain for a week. You need to remember that experiencing pain does not mean failure in treatment. In fact, it could mean other wise, the treatment is working well.

The aim of the Candida diet is to kill or stop the Candida overgrowth inside the body and not to starve yourself to death. Aside from combating the overgrowth of yeast or candida inside the body; the diet could also help normalize the balance in your health system.

The common symptoms that a person would normally experience during Candida die off are dizziness, headache, depression, anxiety, exhaustion, sweating and chills. You just need to stick to your diet even if you feel these symptoms. It just means that your body will be back to normal once you are done with the Candida diet.

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