Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For the Love of Orchids

Many people love the beauty of an orchid for it is different, unique and simply stunning compared to just any flowers in the garden. Some people thought that it is hard to grow orchids but they are wrong for it is easy to grow orchids if they only know how and where it is best to grow them. Orchid growing is becoming a fad not only for women but also for men, young and old.

Though it is uncommon to see an orchid as a house plant, it can still be done; growing orchids as house plants is not complicated. Someone who wants to try growing orchids only needs to know that orchids are just like all other house plants, they need sunlight, water, fertilizer, and that they need to be pruned. There are many books, e-books and the like that teach people how to grow orchids and how to take care of them. Many people can learn through reading such books or by experience, by learning from other people's garden.

Orchids pruning is a very essential part in the orchids life because it is needed in order to maintain the growth of the orchid and improve its appearance. Orchid pruning also motivates new growth and more blossoms. In order to do orchid pruning correctly, it is important to know the type of the orchid you are growing.

Some orchids needs to be pruned when the flowers begin to wilt and for other types, pruning should be done when the stems turn brown. The tools used in pruning should be sterilized in order to avoid viruses that could leave a disease to the orchid. And please do not forget that it is important to know what and where to prune the orchids. The growth of the orchid is at risk in pruning so it is very important to know these things.

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