Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pruning Orchids

Pruning is very essential in keeping the orchids clean and healthy, thus, providing more new rooms for flowers and leaves with its main aim of eradicating unwanted and unnecessary portions of the plant, such as diseased leaves or dead and broken aerial roots or branches.

There are numerous ways in determining the perfect timing for pruning such wonderful flowers, hence, it also depends on the variety of orchids. Pruning can be best performed during the months of October to November when there a no new blossoms and the orchids are believed to be inactive. However, some flowers may require to be pruned when they start wilting like in the case of phalaenopsis. Others may need to be trimmed down a little if the stems begins to turn brown.

On a special note, once yellow or black spots appear on the leaves it should be removed immediately to prevent it from further spreading to other parts of the plant. Also, you need to inspect the roots for any damages. By the time you're done pruning the roots, the orchids can now be transferred to a fresh potting medium.

Conversely, a pair of secateur shears is the most appropriate tool for pruning orchids giving flawless cuts without actually destroying the plant. Orchids are highly susceptible to infection and diseases, however, the tools used for caring these plants should be kept clean and sterile at all times. Be sure to wear gloves when cleaning the scissors with a diluted bleach solution.

Caring for orchids may be difficult and complicated, but if you studied the background of the plants well, and know the basics of pruning according to its specie, growing them in your garden or outdoors could be fun and worthwhile.

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