Wednesday, March 23, 2011

BEE Ready

Bee keeping is like an art of taming the savage beast. But in this sense taming the dangerous and unpredictable bees. These insects are one of the most useful creations but also one of the deadliest insects. But bee keepers are the modern day Pied Pier they know to deal and use bees to our advantage. How ever the best offense is a good defense that is why preparation is their key.

Bee keepers when dealing with bees always have to prepare themselves for battle. These warriors have a lot of beekeeper equipment that they will bring and use when they tame the bees but for what? For the sweet taste of honey. Honey is one of the best sweet taste in which a lot of people cannot get enough of.

Bee keepers need their beekeepers suit to protect them from head to toe. This is because one sting sometimes can be fatal. So after suiting up bee keepers then use their secret weapon and that is the beekeeping smoker. They smoke the bees so that they will not be aggressive. The smoke gives the bees a high and brings simply relaxes them. That is when the bee keeper gets the honey without harming the bees and without putting himself in danger.

A bee keeper always has these two important equipment in dealing with the unpredictability of bees. They do this because they need the honey to get the money. Without these beekeeping tools it would be fatal for them to extract the honey.

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