Saturday, January 8, 2011

Food to Avoid while on Yeast Free Diet

Why do we need to live a yeast free life? Not all people may know about a yeast free diet but all people should have at least a little information about such topics. A yeast free diet is a diet which highlights in reducing foods or wholly abolished foods that will cause escalation of natural yeasts in our body.

There are quite a few reasons why some people decide to turn to a yeast free diet. One such reason is because they already have a yeast infection and it is hard to heal when they would still intake many yeast carrying or yeast causing foods. Another good reason is when they have weak immune system. One more reason to practice yeast free diet is simply to lose weight. However other people may use the yeast free diet as a technique to battle symptoms of autism.

There are many foods to avoid while on a yeast free diet such as breads, cookies, pastries, fermented foods, processed meats, cheese, canned tomatoes, processed sugar, soft drinks, chocolate and many more.

Why these foods? Yeasts love to feed on glucose that is why anything and everything sweet must be avoided. Dairy products contained yeasts especially cheese because they are purposely added with mold. Many people who suffer chronic yeast infection are inclined to have gluten allergies. It is therefore recommended that wheat be avoided too. Processed meats are treated with chemicals in order to withstand consumable time and to manufacture different types such as ham, bacon and sausages.

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