Saturday, January 29, 2011

Beekeping 101

Is it always true that if you have no money, you have no honey? We know what's on your mind. It is not that. Don't take it figuratively.


It is about the bees.


We are starting beekeeping here.

Beekeeping or Apiculture simply refers to the culturing or maintaining colonies of honey bees. Usually, an apiarist (or beekeeper) does not collect beehives but rather makes an artificial habitat for these social insects. These manmade niches could be outdoors especially if they are located in a forested area or could be housed in a confined structure (similar to a greenhouse).

Establishing an apiary or a bee yard is a challenging but fruitful and high yielding investment. The natural byproducts such as honey, beeswax or simply the bee itself (for beekeepers) could give you dollars.

So if you are interested with this venture, you may also need the following equipment.

First is the right clothing to wear. You will need beekeeping veil to protect your face especially your eyes. Beekeeping suits in order to protect your whole body as well. Don't also forget to wear thick gloves and boots. As much as possible don't expose any skin or leave any space wherein bees could enter your clothes. A bee sting should not be taken for granted because this could cause from a simple skin infection or allergy to a more serious one such as paralysis and even death.

Second, we should have a smoker. This will drive away bees so that we can harvest our sweet products.

Third, we need also the extractor and processors if we want to maximize profit.

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