Sunday, December 5, 2010

Helping Toddlers To Get a Sound Sleep

Getting the toddlers to sleep in the afternoon, especially at night may be a little harder than when they are babies, since babies sleep most of the day. Unlike toddlers, they have developed the sense of identifying what they want and what they don't want to do. The toddler stage is oftentimes equated with negativity, and no is their favorite word. Toddlers undergo a developmental stage where most often than not, parents are having a hard time understanding.

Here are some helpful tips on how to get your precious toddlers to sleep:

  1. Kids are hyperactive; they would love to discover the things around their environment. You must keep the room dark to set your child's mood as if it was nighttime already.

  2. Set periods for playtime and sleep time. Allow your child to enjoy his toys for a certain period of time, and then when it's about time for him to take a nap or sleep, tell him that play period is over and that it's time for him to rest. You must also allow your child to learn how to keep his toys after playing so as to set an indication that he needs to sleep. It also helps the child to understand the importance of discipline that will play an important role in his growth and development.

  3. Toddlers have their own trends of rituals. To help them develop their own sense of control, let them make their own choices: as to sleeping habits, choice of clothes to wear, and most of all keeping their security objects at hand, i. e., stuffed animals, pillows, security blankets and the like. It helps toddlers to sleep comfortably.

  4. Warm milk and a warm bath help the child to relax thereby enhance sleeping.

  5. Touch therapy is still the best. Giving your child a gentle massage helps the body to relax, thus it facilitates sleeping. Reading books, cuddling and singing lullabies would also be helpful.

There are lots of methods to help put the child to sleep. But nothing compares to the unconditional warmth and love he gets from his parents. Parents are toddlers' best personalized security objects.

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