Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Little Background on Chronic Candidiasis

Chronic Candidiasis is a condition wherein there is an overgrowth of Candida Albicans in the gastrointestinal tract. These fungi are usually benign but it is the actual cause of Chronic Candidiasis.

This condition is caused by any of the following:

Antibiotics Usage

If you are taking antibiotics for treatment of certain illness, chances are the balance of flora bacteria inside your body is compromised. These antibiotics are usually taken whenever you have sore-throat, ear infection and even sinus infection. Being under medication with antibiotic can greatly affect the intestines. Antibiotics can take out good bacteria, and when good bacteria are lower, chances are yeast will take over inside the body.


If you are feeling stressed out whether emotionally or physically, then your immune system will greatly be affected by it. Weaker immune system opens the opportunities for infection to settle inside the body. It is important to maintain a positive outlook in life and not to allow stress take over your life.

Alcoholic substance abuse

Alcohol is yeast's best friend; too much alcohol can kill good bacteria inside your body. Alcohol contains sugar and it is a fact that yeast thrives on sugar as well as carbohydrates. Alcohol is considered as the most refined sugar we can get inside the body.

Artificial birth control substance

There are more women who suffer from Chronic Candidiasis, because women use birth control pills and not men. Also the actual amount of estrogen and progesterone inside the women's body create an environment which is very much conducive for yeast production.

If you are suffering from Chronic Candidiasis, you may be familiar with any of the symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • chronic gas
  • abdominal cramps
  • Bloated Abdomen
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Inflamed Bowel Disease
  • Frequent urination or UTI
  • Rectal Itching
  • White tongue coating
  • Swollen lips or face
  • Panic attacks
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Auto-immune disorders
  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Bad breath
  • Chemical Sensitivities
  • Dizziness

To keep the infection under control, a person affected by the disease should be cautious of his or her diet. There are several kinds of foods which are not allowed for people suffering from Chronic Candidiasis. It is also best to seek professional help in order to diagnos and help to cure the infection immediately.

Doctors would normally advise to go on strict diets and would recommend other anti-fungal supplements. This could the infection immediately and would not further complicate the health condition.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Toddlers and Night Terrors

Pavor nocturnus, more commonly known as baby night terrors, is common among toddlers and may sometimes occur in babies as early as nine months. It arises during the first two hours of a child's sleep and may last from 2 to 30 minutes until he goes back to sleep.

Night terrors could be described as sudden onset of child panic, moaning or even screaming and crying at night, as if he was trapped in a world full of horror and no one can help him. By the time he wakes up he barely remembers a thing. This could really sound disturbing to parents but the cause of it is truly unknown.

Stress is shown to have some association with sleep terrors, since horrible sleeps at night takes place when the child is feverish, overtired from play or there is emotional tension inside the home.

Here are some tips on how to put your baby to a good nights sleep:
  • Reassure your child with the love and support that he needs to feel safe and loved. You may tuck him to sleep with his favorite stuffed animals and sing him lullabies. Warm bath and milk and calming oils with chamomile at night would help him relax and have a sound sleep.
  • Conversely, kids ought to sleep for at least 10 hours a day and make sure he takes a 1 hour nap in the afternoon. Meanwhile, babies should at least have 12 to 14 hours of sleep per day.
  • Reinforce safety measures to prevent your child from obtaining an injury by keeping side rails up and removing sharp and hard objects when he sleeps.

Hence, parents are advised that night terrors eventually diminish as the child grows older. However, parents may seek a professional consult if the episodes become persistent and longer in duration.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Beginner Orchids: Genus Brassavola

Brassavola is one of the easiest families of orchids to grow. They are very closely related to another set of beginner orchids as well, namely Cattleya and Laelia. They can be grown well indoors and tolerate a lower relative humidity that would otherwise affect other orchids badly.

Among the most common species is B. nodosa, also well-known as Lady of Night. Although this trait is shared throughout the family, B. nodosa has a seemingly strong scent during the night. They react as early as before sunset, getting ready to burst out with their nocturnal fragrance. The scent, along with the light colors of their flowers, attracts night insects such as the moth as part of the pollination process.

While they can also tolerate lesser light, their strong night feat comes from absorbing as much light as possible during the day. This allows you not to worry much of overexposure to the sun. A good indication of a healthy consumption of light is when the leaves start to have red freckles on them.

Brassavolas are both epiphytic and lithophytic, meaning, not only do they naturally grow on trees, but they also grow on rocks. With this, you can enhance their decorative display and create a lovelier garden.

As mentioned, having a close relation to Cattleya and Laelia makes them much favored for creating hybrid orchids, such as a larger flower size one genus with a more colorful one. So close that one specie, B.Digbyana, is actually found to be a genus of Laelia back in 1918, but its name under Brassavola was retained as it was already popular and to avoid unnecessary confusion.

As you start your way to cultivating your perfect garden, your fond beginnings will be preserved as they will be part of it for as long as you take care of them. And every night of their time to bloom makes it all worth it.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Helping Toddlers To Get a Sound Sleep

Getting the toddlers to sleep in the afternoon, especially at night may be a little harder than when they are babies, since babies sleep most of the day. Unlike toddlers, they have developed the sense of identifying what they want and what they don't want to do. The toddler stage is oftentimes equated with negativity, and no is their favorite word. Toddlers undergo a developmental stage where most often than not, parents are having a hard time understanding.

Here are some helpful tips on how to get your precious toddlers to sleep:

  1. Kids are hyperactive; they would love to discover the things around their environment. You must keep the room dark to set your child's mood as if it was nighttime already.

  2. Set periods for playtime and sleep time. Allow your child to enjoy his toys for a certain period of time, and then when it's about time for him to take a nap or sleep, tell him that play period is over and that it's time for him to rest. You must also allow your child to learn how to keep his toys after playing so as to set an indication that he needs to sleep. It also helps the child to understand the importance of discipline that will play an important role in his growth and development.

  3. Toddlers have their own trends of rituals. To help them develop their own sense of control, let them make their own choices: as to sleeping habits, choice of clothes to wear, and most of all keeping their security objects at hand, i. e., stuffed animals, pillows, security blankets and the like. It helps toddlers to sleep comfortably.

  4. Warm milk and a warm bath help the child to relax thereby enhance sleeping.

  5. Touch therapy is still the best. Giving your child a gentle massage helps the body to relax, thus it facilitates sleeping. Reading books, cuddling and singing lullabies would also be helpful.

There are lots of methods to help put the child to sleep. But nothing compares to the unconditional warmth and love he gets from his parents. Parents are toddlers' best personalized security objects.