Sunday, October 3, 2010

Yeast Free Diet

Our ability to adapt is a reflection of our body's ability to physiologically regulate its interior milieu. Despite the mechanisms that maintain the balance of our health, we are still responsible for what we eat.

Why would anyone want to have a yeast free diet? Yeast is part of the human flora and is well maintained by other microorganisms and our own immune system to stay benign, certain conditions could allow them to overgrow and cause negative impact in our bodies. You need such diet if you have a yeast infection, a weak immune system, or simply doing this as a detox diet.

Here's a short list of foods to avoid with reasons why you should.

1. Anything sweet. Yeasts love to feed on glucose which is supplied by refined sugars/carbohydrates in abundance. Sugar, chocolate, carbonated beverages, pastries, etc. Even sweet fruits should be avoided. Some condiments such as catsup also contain sugar and distilled vinegar that promotes yeast growth.

2. Dairy products. Yeast contained by dairy products mostly comes from the air but some products such as cheese are intentionally added with mold to produce different types.

3. Wheat. It is only recommended to avoid this due to the fact that many sufferers of chronic yeast infection tend to have gluten allergies.

4. Processed Meat. Most meats are treated with chemicals in order to produce popular consumables such as ham and sausages. Also take note of the terms cured, pickled, dried, and smoked as they usually have undergone chemical treatment. While most processes are made to actually cleanse the meat, some people with yeast infection react to processing residues.

5. Fermented foods. Fermentation is a process of letting yeast and/or bacteria feed on the sugars. This produces certain target by-products, such as vinegar, alcohol (beer, wine, etc), and chocolate. The effect can also be used as a preservation method, such as pickling.

It might be hard to avoid foods you might be used to eating. Understanding how it affects you will justify the need to adjust your eating habits.

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