Monday, September 27, 2010

Phone Marketing 5 times bigger than the internet

Marketers have seized the opportunity of reaching people in all forms of media --- be it on print ads, internet or even mobile. Whenever we go, we sate our eyes and minds with the new inventions and services brought by manufacturers and distributors. So, if you are in the verge of introduction of your new products, what is the best means to connect with the prospect customers?

Phone marketing has emerged in the top priorities of companies when it comes to customer awareness. Here are the five reasons to resort to phone marketing over the internet ads:

  • Telephone has become a basic necessity of every household than a luxury, then, it boils down to a statement that everyone is reachable. Spreading the information is now easier as there are more people who subscribe for telephone connection than those who avail access to internet. Even if the internet is readily available in mobile phones, not all carries phones with online web services.
  • Phone marketing encourages an instant dialogue unlike ads in the internet that companies need to wait for the customers to initiate the response or feedback. When a product is introduced over the phone, the customer can immediately seek answers to their queries, on the same way, their hesitations about the product are properly clarified
  • Advertising over the net cannot be streamlined to targeted customers, in contrast to phone marketing that a company can choose from the directory which numbers are highly probable to be patrons of a certain product or services. For example, if a manufacturer is endorsing a detergent, then, he can just choose from the directory all the entities that render laundry services to streamline his market. In this way, the percentage to get sales is higher.
  • Convincing powers of telemarketers are one of the best ways to pull customers and push sales. Sometimes, customers are not interested in new stuffs unless they hear the pros of the products. Some pop-up ads in the internet just appear so usual for the users that they do not put attention on it, or, reading the product profiles is just so boring.
  • Aside from promotions, phone marketing can also gather information on the reaction of the customers that can lead to the enhancement of features of the products. The faster a company gets the reaction, the faster they act on it to provide better products. In this way, the customer needs are addressed in short time.

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