Every human being or even animals needs to sleep in order to survive, because the body needs rest for all the days work and activities. Sleep is important especially for the babies and kids. It is an important process of the baby's growth and the baby's health. Sleep is a way of rest but not only in the physical aspect but also in the mental aspect in which all the human's activity muscles or motor vehicles are put to rest.
Adults already know that it is important to sleep and they are able to sleep when they want to, but babies and kids are sometimes difficult to put to sleep. There are routines, rituals or strategies to help the parents put their little ones to slumber.
There are different ways to put the baby to sleep such as:
- Having a Bedtime Routine. Having a routine with the baby is not an easy task and requires ample time. Parents should spend more time with the baby and do the tasks required for the routine, such as giving the baby a warm bath first, then rubbing on some lotion or oil onto the baby's skin, singing a lullaby or telling a story for the baby every night to make it a routine. And having done that means it is already sleeping time.
- Flexibility in the Bedtime Routine. It is not always that the baby follows the given bedtime routine. So the parent should try another strategy on how to put the baby to sleep, maybe the parent could try turning off the light, rocking the baby or putting the baby on her chest while slow dancing, or putting on some slow music to soothe the baby's mood.
- Train the Baby/Kids. Teach the baby as early as possible that day time is for playing, eating and other activities while night time is for sleeping.
Putting the baby to sleep sometimes is hard and makes the parents irritable but parents should understand that the baby needs ample sleep for his own benefits. Getting enough sleep at night is good for the baby. Day sleep is also a must for babies in order for them to get the rest their baby body needs and daytime naps can prevent a baby from becoming too bizarre to sleep at night.