Yeast infection or Candidiasis is becoming a very common disease nowadays. This is because people are so busy with their schedules and rely on what fast food restaurants have to offer. Preparing healthy meals for themselves and their family have become next to impossible. Unhealthy eating habits would eventually lead to unhealthy bodies. Over production of yeast in the body is because of high consumption of sugar. Yeast loves sugar, they thrive on sugar.
Other causes of yeast infection are:
- Too much antibiotics
- Birth control pills
- Tight clothing (it traps moisture)
- Condoms (because its lubricant contain nonoxynol-9)
- Unhealthy diet
- Weakened Immune system
To know whether if there is an overgrowth of yeast fungi in your body, you may experience any of the following.
Symptoms of Vaginal yeast infection:
- Redness and sore in the affected area
- Severe itchiness
- White vaginal discharge which looks like a cottage cheese
- Pain during sexual intercourse
Symptoms of Oral yeast infection or thrush:
- White patches in the tongue or mouth area
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Soreness in the throat area
Symptoms of Digestive tract yeast infection:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Bloating
- Flatulence
There are several ways on how to treat yeast infection. Some would use over the counter medicines such as topical ointments to lessen the soreness and itchiness. Medical professionals would also recommend the person with yeast infection to follow a certain diet. When a person is on a Candida diet there are several foods to avoid such as:
- Alcoholic beverages
- Cheese
- Chocolates
- Refined sugar
- Mushrooms
- Carbonated drinks
- Nuts
- Yeast containing foods such as breads and pastries.
The Candida diet would last between 4-6 weeks. However, there are those people who decide to stick with the diet even after the yeast infection has been cured. It is also a best way to lose weight and get your body back into its normal health condition.